Why we are fasting from communion? An important update

It is commendable that so many of your are longing for the Lord’s Supper and for regular worship services to return. At this time, however, we cannot.

This is an opportunity for us to repent of taking communion for granted while it was freely available and not treasuring the sacrament as we should. It is also appropriate that we would take this as a time to fast and pray that God would end this pandemic so that we can once again return to our regular gathering according to His will.

This should not lead us to question God’s love for us. God shows us his love and gives us his grace in many ways. While we are not at this time able to meet for the Lord’s Supper, this does not invalidate our Baptisms, nor does it make God’s word ineffectual for us.

“We can be thankful that God in His mercy has not given the Lord’s Supper as the only “means of grace.” Instead, he showers us with His grace. The Gospel is not silenced, forgiveness is proclaimed, Baptism will be administered even in emergencies, and Baptism is lived out daily by means of repentance and the new life that God’s Spirit enables us to live in any and all circumstances.”

Communion in a Time of Social Distancing (Seminary Faculties)

We are all shut-ins now. Yet, we thank God that hes has given us the opportunity to receive his grace in many ways: Bible, Hymnal, Devotions, Radio, Email and Video.

Our obligations under the 4th and 5th commandments lead us to fast from gathering for communion for a while out of love for one another. This is quite different from apathy or neglect. Instead, it heightens our awareness of our need to do those things we should have been doing all along. Praying, reading scripture, meditating on devotions, leading hymn singing in our homes and calling other members to support them

Accordingly, we are not having services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Easter, but are posting videos of them online. As soon as we have guidance that allows us to resume more normal gatherings we will do so with due caution and great joy.

If you are in need of anything, please call. If you desire to have communion, I am communing families individually by appointment. And finally know this, I love you all and you are in my prayers, but more importantly, God loves you and ever embraces you with his grace in Jesus Christ.

May God bless your Holy Week and unite our voices across the miles when we sing our Easter Alleluias.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Palm+

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