Daily Bible Study Podcast

You can have a daily verse by verse Bible Study with the effervescent Pastor Will Weedon. Right now he is going through the book of Hebrews. Each study is about 15 minutes long. You can listen through your phone or computer.

You will find both the podcast and some fascinating video series when a non-Lutheran visits Weedon’s LCMS church and interviews him about our theology afterwards on the website: https://thewordendures.org/

Free Resources from CPH

Concordia Publishing House is generously providing free resources for uncertain times. These are free downloads chosen for you to use when, for example, you are cooped up at home waiting out the coronavirus.


Free Devotions:

Free Study materials for both adults and children:

And if you don’t have a hymnal make sure to download the
Free Orders of Daily Prayer with Hymns

Sermon March 15th, 2020, the 3rd Sunday of Lent: Plagues, Coronavirus, and the Finger of God

Sermon for the third Sunday in Lent.  Based on Exodus 17: 1-7.  Is the coronavirus God’s wrath against sinful Man?

Is a plague that started in China God’s judgement against that repressive regime. God is in control and he does use such things to chastise his people. But before we judge China we should repent of our own idolatry.

The recording does not include the first few minutes of the sermon, but I pray that you would still find it a blessing in these uncertain times.

Sermon 2020 03 15 Plagues, Coronavirus, and the Finger of God